Bank secrecy

If you lose your card in Sweden or abroad, it is important that you block your card immediately

women in front of computer

That's why we ask you so many questions

We ask a number of questions when you become a customer of Mynt, and we continue to ask questions thereafter — in counseling, by phone or through the help center. We know that the majority of our customers are honest, but to discover the few who are not, we need to ask everyone questions, without exception. By answering our questions, you will help prevent criminal activity.

Legal requirements and social responsibility

All banks are required by law to have details of their customers and know how customers use certain banking services. As one of Europe's largest banks, we take our social responsibility very seriously. We work to protect our customers, our company and society at large from criminal activity and we counter money laundering, trafficking, drug trafficking, terrorist financing, illegal arms trafficking, tax evasion and more.

Has your web app and mobile app been blocked?

For customers who have received questions repeatedly without answering, we must temporarily block online banking or mobile banking, as we are legally not allowed to provide banking services to customers we do not know. The blocking will be lifted once the customer has answered our questions.

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