Press and media

Read about Mynt's latest news and find our brand resources.

May 10, 2022
Mynt raises 150 mSEK to help European businesses automate expense management through its smart corporate card and spend management solution.
Mynt, a Swedish fintech offering smart company cards that simplifies expense management, has raised 150 mSEK to scale up growth beyond Sweden and revolutionize how expense management is done in Europe.
April 26, 2022
Mynt och Fortnox kommer lansera företagskort tillsammans – helt integrerat med bokföringen
Mynt och Fortnox ingår partnerskap för att lansera produkten Fortnox Kort.
September 9, 2020
Mynt lanserar smarta företagskort!
Fintech-startupen Mynt lanserar ett smart företagskort som är specifikt designat för att hjälpa startups och småföretag. Kortet integrerar direkt med bolagens bokföringssystem och bank via tillhörande mobilapp.

Brand resources

In Mynt's media room, you can download logos, fonts, and a guide on how to use Mynt's brand. If you have questions related to press or branding, feel free to contact Otto Klingspor via email. Contact:

Mynt logo rules

The Mynt graphic identity

Mynt’s graphic identity embodies the contemplative and mature nature of our product. It was developed by the design agency E&W and brought to life by Mynt’s in-house team.

Mynt logo in white
white download arrow

Logo | Inverterad




Mynt logotype in blackblack arrow download

Logo | Original




Brand Guide

Mynt symbol logo

Our brand guidelines are password protected. Please contact us to get a password.

Visit the brand guide


Mynt symbol logo

We use Mynt sans display, Inter font – including bold, semibold, medium and regular. All fonts are available in our brand guide. Please contact us for access.

Visit the brand guide