Personal cards

With Mynt's Personal card, you have the flexibility to choose who is responsible for paying the invoice.

Some of our customers

What are Personal Cards?

Personal cards are Mynt's solution that serves as an alternative to standard corporate cards. With this solution, the invoice is sent directly to the employee, who then pays the invoice in full. The employer reimburses the employee for approved expenses by transferring the amount directly to the payroll or by bank transfer.

How Personal cards work

Make your purchase

Employees can use their Mynt Personal card for company-related spending.

Submit the receipts

The employee scans and submits the receipts directly in the Mynt app, to request reimbursement from the employer.

Your admin checks the purchase

Using the Mynt app, your designated Mynt administrator can approve/reject your transaction or ask for more details.

Cardholder pays the invoice

The cardholder is responsible for paying the invoice in full. Mynt also offers extended payment terms if needed.

Allocate credit to your employees

With the Mynt Personal Card, company administrators can allocate card credit to employees, maintaining full control over company-wide credit limits. This ensures employees' credit scores remain unaffected while allowing admins to easily adjust credit limits quickly and seamlessly through Mynt's platform.

Time-saving spend management

Finance teams can track submitted expenses, approve them instantly, and benefit from automatic receipt matching. Approved expenses are automatically connected to your accounting system through Mynt’s integrations, reducing manual work and saving time.

Varför använda personliga kort?

Fakturor betalas av medarbetaren

Slipp kvittokaoset

Individuella köpgränser

Kombinera olika betalansvar

Reglera anställdas kredit

Smart kvittohantering

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Which card suits your business best?

Mynt offers both corporate Personal cards and standard Mynt company cards. Mix and match to suit your needs. Mynt simplifies spend management, no matter how or where purchases are made.

Pricing for Personal cards

With Mynt's Personal cards, you get the freedom to choose who is responsible for invoicing. Approve company-related purchases – directly in the app. See our prices below.


Monthly cost

Personal cards

Personal card
50 kr per card

Extended payment terms

Extended payment terms
10 kr/card per every 10 days
10 days of payment terms are included (from the date of the invoice), with the option to extend for an additional 10 days at a cost of 10 SEK per month.

Some frequently asked questions about the Mynt Personal card

How are Personal cards different from private cards?

Private cards are owned by individuals and used for personal purchases. Personal cards, on the other hand, are linked to the employer and allow them to allocate credit to employees. The employee pays the invoice themselves, while the employer retains the ability to manage and monitor card usage. Through the system, the administrator can easily decline purchases unrelated to company activities. Approved expenses submitted by the employee are reimbursed either directly through payroll or via bank transfer.

Mer om att sätta upp regler

Who is responsible for payment?

The Personal card puts the invoice responsibility on the cardholder. This means that employees must pay their invoices in full. However, the company holds ultimate responsibility for payment under Mynt’s agreement.

Can employers see all purchases?

No, employers only see expenses submitted for review and reimbursement.

Mer om att sätta upp regler

How do I extend my payment terms?

For an additional 10 days, it costs SEK 10 per user per month (applies to all cardholders in your account). Contact us to extend your payment terms.

Mynt finns där oavsett utgift

Ibland kommer utgiften från ett privat utlägg och ibland kommer det från ett företagskort. Med Mynt kan ni samla allt på ett ställe, oavsett var och hur köpet har gjorts. 

Bli kund

Get Mynt today

Choose the all-in-one solution for your company expenses – with cards that work with your existing accounting platform.

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