Mynts integration with Fortnox makes accounting easy

Manage debit cards, purchase limits and bookkeeping completely digitally.betalkort, köpgränser och bokföring helt digitalt.

Mynt system app dashboard

Why Use Coins and Fortnox

Manage purchases in real time

Attestation flow

Set individual purchase limits

Full control of all transactions in real time

Up to 10x higher credit limit

Easy expense management

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How to connect Coins and Fortnox

Connecting Coins with Fortnox is easy. Follow the steps below:

  • Log in to
  • Go to settings accounting in the menu on the left
  • Tap the Fortnox logo
  • Follow the instructions in the text

About Fortnox

Fortnox offers a cloud-based platform for small business owners and accounting firms to manage finance and administration efficiently. The platform is the market leader in Sweden. It also provides customers with access to financial services and corporate insurance. Fortnox was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Växjö.

Our integrations

Fortnox LogoVisma eAccounting logo
Björn lunden logoSetly LogoPe accounting logo

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Book a personal demo with one of our sales representatives and we will tell you more. A demo usually takes 15-30 minutes.

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